Friday, June 17, 2011

When to buy fuel

The price of gas fluctuates throughout the week. How can you make sure to put gas when the price is at its lowest and not pay money that you could have saved? Well, here's an idea.

Research! Just as with any other purchase, look for information about gas prices in your area. Usually there are websites with charts of the gas prices during periods of time. If you found one or two sites like these and checked the charts for the past fortnight, you would definitely notice a single specific day of the week when the price is at its lowest. If you visit the gas station on that day and the gas price seems reasonably low, you can be mostly sure that this price will be the lowest for the week. Don't forget that things change from season to season, so you would have to do your research a few times a year.

I understand that if you have a car and have been buying fuel for some time, you might have noticed the trends in gas pricing on your own and be thinking: "duh, did this guy just realize that?" But if you are new to this and don't have any idea how much fuel should cost, do your research. 

Here's an example of a chart for my area. Prices are in cents per litre.

You can see that, since the beginning of June, the price of gas has been at its lowest on every Wednesday (1, 8, 15 June); therefore, I should buy gas on Wednesdays until I notice a change in the pattern.  

If you think you have a better way of choosing the time for filling the tank, share it via the comments section below.


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